web design /
no-code dev
Web design /
no-code dev



Event Management University is an online institution founded by experts which organised international events like the Olympic Games and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The design and style are inspired by intersecting lines, symbolizing how events unite people globally. The website's design also aims to convey the message that this is the future of education.

Web Design
No-code Development
Responsive Design
Information Architechture
Competitor Analysis
User Personas
  1. Create the main page of the website that will answer to major customers questions.
  2. Aim at a constant conversion rate not less than 5% for first-time visitors during a year after launch.
Design Approach

For this project, the process followed a structure closer to the waterfall model, where each phase relied on the completion of the previous one. The client handled the initial research phase, after which the copywriter and marketer developed the content.

My role began in the design and development stage, once the foundational research and messaging were finalized. Given that this was an MVP and focused on the first website page, our goal was to deliver a functional outcome rather than iteratively testing hypotheses during the process.


Users scrolled the page for more than 75%


Conversion rate for first-time users during 12 months after launch

A clear visual grid, spacious layout, minimalistic colour scheme, and user-centric approach let me achieve the goals of the project. Now the client is working on the next stage.

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